Summary of “Objects”. Part 2

Objects can store any types of data, including functions. Such function properties are called object methods. The method call is written like this: object.method().

From within methods, you can access properties and other methods of an object using the this keyword. It points to the current object and is called a call context.

Important detail: until the function is called, this does not contain any value; the context appears only when the function is called.

var cat = {
  name: 'Muffin',
  color: 'red',
  age: 5,

  getGreeting: function () {
    return 'Meow, hello! My name is ' + and;

console.log (cat.getGreeting());
// Logs 'Meow, hello! My name is Muffin'

Maps or dictionaries are very convenient to use. In our example, they store the relationship of the name of the cat and his favorite delicacy.

var catsFavoriteFood = {
  Muffin: 'fish',
  Rudolph: 'cutlet',
  Snowball: 'milk'

var printFavoriteFood = function (name) {
  // Using bracket notation
  return 'My favorite food is ' + catsFavoriteFood[name];

// Logs 'My favorite food is milk'
